1st Quarter 2025
Market Watch
by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr.
The next twelve years will be the greatest in America’s economic achievements in the last 100 years! Without a doubt and as bold as it sounds, this challenges all of us in industrial real estate to place the bets necessary to be winning in the future, and the future will be closer than we think. The below reprinted Market Watch article “Trump Bump” states what I resolutely believed in July 2024. While the below points are definitely playing out better than we had hoped, the opportunity for success has been further magnified by the recent congressional and the senate majorities. The exponential component of simplifying regulations by Trump‘s policy changes will get the next conservative presidential nominee elected and reelected. Thus, for the next twelve years, you best be on board; because, it is going to happen!
“Trump Bump” Points Reprinted from July 2024:
• the immediate impoundment of all federal unspent funds that have been appropriated and budgeted for climate, DEI initiatives, infrastructuring, subsidizing; etc.;
• the reallocation of these impounded funds to higher and more productive uses in some cases (in other cases, they simply will be spent much later), resulting in less government caused inflation;
• the improvement to the previous “Trump tax plan” extended out a great number of years, thus setting the stage for Trump and the next Republican president to harvest the gains;
• the compilation of the above will greatly influence the Federal Reserve stated objective to kill inflation, because these actions will immediately stabilize a lot of inflation, thus the feds can lower the rates fairly substantially, and most importantly quickly;
• correct the overreach that federal regulatory agencies have taken by assuming they have the power instead of waiting on Congress to give them the power, thus having some of the more onerous of those regulations overturned;
• the freedom to use all forms of energy – not only freeing up the tremendous value of the Permian Basin for the United States but also further empowering small nuclear reactors and simultaneously diminishing subsidies for other unworkable energy sources; and,
• the restoration of the work ethic by eliminating or streamlining the present overlapping subsidies and promoting work ideals.
Look Out!!