Market Watch

The Trump Bump

3rd Quarter 2024 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. Those of us that have been in real estate for half a century have seen the ebb and flow of different presidential administrations.  Sometimes they are extreme; and, most of the time, they get mitigated by a unsupportive congress.  At

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Where Did the Demand Go?

2nd Quarter 2024 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. All of us remember the “haydays” from three to six years ago when there was no way to stop the forward momentum of developing and selling industrial real estate.  There was plenty of solid demand for the right fundamental reasons,

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Various Thoughts

1st Quarter 2024 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. As we close 2023 and have survived the trials and tribulations, I believe that better things lie ahead! First, the wokeism that seems to be the undisciplined extremism of the moment is being more and more called out for exactly

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Double Whammy

4th Quarter 2023 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. First, the Federal Reserve convinces virtually all borrowers and lenders that inflation is transitory.  Then, the Federal Reserve raises interest rates so rapidly that it disrupts the market, making great deals into trash overnight.   Then, for a round two punch,

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A Little Help From The Supremes

3rd Quarter 2023 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. As we all know, regardless of what political persuasion you are, it’s undeniable that the Supreme Court has been making some key decisions with more to come in the next 20 days. It’s unclear when they are going to release

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The Speculative Question

2nd Quarter 2023 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. “To Build or Not to Build” Speculative Warehouse and Manufacturing space…that is the question. It’s a complex question. In the economies of the past it had to be decided by industrial developers based on the variables of geography, competing supply,

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Kiss Low Interest Rates Goodbye

1st Quarter 2023 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. As the “treasury elites” discuss the taming of inflation there should be a loud rebuttal. Their stated long-term goal is 2% (slightly above or below) inflation. It should be recognized their Consumer Price Index basket of items they track to

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Work Ethic

4th Quarter 2022 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. With the recent unemployment percentage rate below what it was toward the end of the Trump administration, how do we reconcile there is over 3 million fewer workers? This is in combination with over 11 million job openings that seem

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Government for Us or Against Us?

3rd Quarter 2022 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. This is America’s first time being faced with high inflation, coupled with a substantial supply chain problem.  So, there is no historically proven path forward. The previous administration kept us afloat during the COVID experience.  And as we look back

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Sometimes You Ask for Things You Don’t Want

2nd Quarter 2022 Market Watch by Joe A. Hollingsworth, Jr. There is an earthquake going on in the industrial building sector, both for manufacturing as well as distribution, that can be one of the most significant directional changes we have had in decades.  This change will affect industrial property owners

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